開発にはどのOSが最適か? - /r/learnprogramming



Which OS is most preferred in the coding world?


I'm an aspiring developer and have been doing a lot of research as of late. I've been watching interviews and tutorials. I've noticed a majority of the programmers I've viewed are using Macs. This got me curious. Is there a preferred OS among programmers?
Allow me to add this caveat. I know that anyone may use the OS they are most comfortable with. Also I hope this doesn't devolve into a fanboy flame war. But this can be answered objectively. So for those who are professional developers, when you look around you at your office, what are you and most of your colleagues using: Windows, Mac, or Linux?



I prefer the OS my customer uses.



This may come off as snarky and/or rude, but this is objectively the correct answer. Your personal projects made be made in whatever you like, but if you're coding for a job, you use the OS the code is suppose to run on. it's just logical.



I personally use both Windows and Linux interchangeably. At work we use CentOS, Windows 7, and OSX. You can efficiently work in any of the environments, I wouldn't get too hung up on it.

個人的にはWindowsとLinuxの両方を相互に使ってるよ。仕事ではCentOSWindows 7、OSXを使っている。どの環境だろうと効率よく仕事できるから、あんまりこだわろうとは思わないね。

MacだったらOS X、Windows、Linuxを動作させることができる

Depends on the platform you're developing for. I know that's a duh answer, but here we are.
The reason I use a Mac is because it can run OS X, Windows, and Linux. No other consumer personal computer can do that (unless you count a Hackintosh, which I wouldn't recommend for development purposes). I imagine a lot of other developers use Mac for the same reason.

Macを使う理由はOS X、Windows、Linuxを動作できるから。他のPCではできないことなんだよね (Hackintoshを数に入れないならね。開発目的にHackintoshを使うことはお勧めしない)。他の開発者の多くも同じ理由でMacを使うんじゃないかな。


前に紹介したぷろぐらみんぐおさんぽまっぷHow To Become A HackerでWindowsでのプログラミングはお勧めしないと書かれていることや、ドットインストールのローカル開発環境構築の影響で、勉強の環境は主にVMware上のUbuntuにして、Vimなんかも勉強しているんだけど、結局はどのプラットフォームをターゲットにしているかや、自分が使い慣れてるかどうかが大事ってことになるようだ。
あぁ、MacBook Air欲しい…。